WASHINGTON DC – At this morning’s briefing, White House press secretary Tony Snow introduced new administration terminology related to the President’s troop surge in Iraq.
“What we’re doing in Iraq is really better described as a throb rather than a full-fledged surge. We want to keep expectations at the throb level, which is only slightly less aggressive than a surge. Our goals remain the same.”
A reporter asked Snow why the latest strategy wasn’t a swell or gush of troops.
“No, we’re not swelling,” asserted Snow. “And we are absolutely not gushing or, I might add, undulating. Let me make that clear. This is a troop throb to secure Baghdad and assist the fledgling government with security.”
Caroline Matthers from the Washington Post asked Snow to clarify exactly how many troops would be inserted as part of the throb.
“That’s one of the reasons why our terminology has shifted slightly. Instead of the 20,000 number previously stated, we will be sending closer to 500 additional troops.”
One reporter asked if that was a strong enough throb to achieve success.
“We believe that the thrust of our throb will be sufficient to fill the security void and help propagate peace in that war torn city.”
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